Maintain DTS Objects
Step type: Complex user interface
Step description: The main purpose of this step is to define the project scope before starting the table pool builder. This involves maintaining the DTS business objects, maintaining the DTS rules and DTS derivation paths assigned to the DTS business objects, and viewing the generated DTS business object table.
Detailed functions: The screen is split into two parts. The left-hand side contains a navigation tree with all the important DTS objects. The right-hand side contains a maintenance screen of the selected object, which is shown after double-clicking the object in the navigation tree.
The navigation tree consists of an ALV tree toolbar and ALV tree items. The ALV tree items show all the defined DTS business objects along with the DTS objects connected to the business objects in the following hierarchy:
DTS business object
DTS transformation rule
DTS business object table
Business object derivation (if any derivation exists)
List of DTS derivation paths with the business object as the output object (if available)
List of DTS derivation paths with the business object as the input object (if available)
After double-clicking the object, the relevant maintenance screen are displayed. For more information about an individual object, see the respective chapter:
DTS Business Object Definition: To select DTS business objects.
DTS Rules: To select DTS transformation rules.
DTS table maintenance: To select the DTS business object table. For more information, see the chapter Setting up the Derivation of DTS Business Object Values.
DTS derivation path: For the maintenance of DTS derivation paths.
The search function (Ctrl+F) is available within the whole application independently of what object is being maintained. It finds all occurrences of the searched text among the DTS object definition and business object text. The search is case-sensitive. To search for a company code, it is best to search for the string *omp*ode*. The result of the search is a pop-up with identified values organized by DTS object type: business object name, transformation rule and derivation path. You can double-click the identified value to open the object in the navigation tree.
The ALV grid toolbar provides the following functions:
Create objects: Displays a dropdown list with options to create DTS objects.
Create business object: Opens a pop-up for business object creation. The pop-up has two inputs with confirmation and cancellation buttons:
Business object name: Unique identifier consisting of alphanumeric characters and underscores with a maximum length of 30 characters for the DTS business object. The name of the DTS business object must start with an alphabetical character.
Business object type:
Standard object
Compounding object
After clicking Confirm, the DTS business object is created. Now neither its name nor the object type can be changed. For more information about creating business objects, see the chapter Adding DTS Business Objects. The editing options for DTS business objects are described in the chapter DTS Business Object Definition.
Create rule: Opens a pop-up for rule creation. See the chapter DTS Rules.
The rule is created for the business object selected in the ALV tree. If no business object is selected, an empty rule creation screen appears, and you must populate the rule assignments to the DTS business object manually. The condition rule is an exception that requires you to select another rule as an attribute in the ALV tree.
Create derivation path: Opens a pop-up for derivation path creation. The following attributes are available:
Path object: Specifies the name of the derivation path. See also the chapter DTS Derivation Path.
Single path: Specifies the standard derivation path.
Replication path (RFC): Specifies the path used to replicate data from a business object located in a different system/client via RFC connection. The replication run ID and the RFC server are defined in the step Maintain run ID.
Initialization path: Used for the initialization of the output object. It does not contain any input business object. The data is derived to the output business object from a selected table. For more information, see the chapter DTS Derivation Path.
Filter: Limits the list of business objects in the navigation tree according to the entered filtering criteria. The following filtering criteria are currently available:
All business objects: Shows all business objects defined in the run ID.
Business object with any rules: Shows all business objects for which a DTS rule has been defined.
Business objects with active rules: Shows all business objects with active DTS rules.
Business objects and rules with manual input: Shows all business objects that require a user action before further processing. This includes the manual business object table (selection criteria) and DTS rules marked with the flag Manual input required. This is typically set for mapping values.
Business objects with derivation paths: Shows all business objects for which any derivation path is defined.
Grid view BOs: Changes the navigation tree view to a grid view with the business object only. This function is available for easier selectivity, filtering, sorting and general processing of all DTS business objects. The maintenance screen of the business object is described in the chapter DTS Business Object Definition.
Grid view view rules: Changes the navigation tree view to a grid view with the DTS rules only. The maintenance of DTS rules is described in the chapter DTS Rules.
Grid view paths: Changes the navigation tree view to a grid view with the DTS derivation paths only. The maintenance of the derivation path is described in the chapter Maintain Derivation Paths.